Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Featurette - Clark Kent / Superman (2016) HD
26:10 but there's one other reason that big cats come to blows, sex. トラが殺しあうのにはもう一つ別の理由がある、交尾だ。
attack of the big cats
2:23 it's difficult to see it coming to blows but if it does, it's hard to imagine Britain sailing to the rescue again. フォークランド諸島で軍事衝突が起こるとは考えにくいが、もしそうなってもイギリスが再度、救助にいくとも考えられない。
Argentina and UK in new Falklands dispute
a-5484 come to blows
a-6798 come to blows
b-4243 comes to blows