
down the hatch

down the hatch は文字通り、ハッチに流し込む。お酒をあおる、ものを食べるの意味。海運用語。 0:39 this one goes down the hatch.

Why Red Ovenbirds Have Such an Unusual Name (4K)

1:12 down the hatch.

Green Anole on the Hunt | America the Beautiful

0:39 you got to just get it down the hatch.

Vegetarian vs. Hunter | Naked and Afraid

1:58 so camel meat, down the hatch. では、ラクダの肉をいただきます。

Wild Menu Features Exotic Animals as Main Dish

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/12/blog-post_5950.html  危機に備えるを英語でなんと言うか?

b-1754 down the hatch
b-2551 down the hatch