
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 構文

a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.(鎖は一番弱いつなぎ目で切れる、鎖の強度は最も弱い輪で決まる)は決まり文句だが、only as ... as~ がポイントになる。 2:11 my point is I took a vow. and a man is only as good as his word. 俺の言いたいことは、おれは神に「一生を添い遂げる」と誓ったから、女房が浮気しても離婚はしないね。人間の価値は約束を守るか守らないかで決まるのさ。

Ralph Wald, acquitted of murdering wife's lover, plans to work on marriage

2:03 don't forget the lesson of Anthony Weiner: security is only as good as the person on the other end of the phone. 下半身写真で失脚したアンソニー・ウィーナー元議員の教訓を忘れてはいけません。いくら強固なセキュリティーでも写真を送った相手がそれをばらしてしまえば一巻の終わりなのです。

Securing Your Cell Phone | Molly Wood | The New York Times

1:34 the world's largest economy is only as good as its financial health. 世界最大のアメリカの経済はその財務状況に左右されるのです。

Economist Calls Obama Budget Commendable, Unrealistic

22:54 it was clear that in this role, an enforcer is only as good as his last fight. アイスホッケーの「エンフォーサー」と呼ばれるケンカ屋は最後の試合で記憶される。

Punched Out: The Rise and Fall of Derek Boogaard [Full Version] | The New York Times

1;08 you may be 88 but as they say, you're only as old as you feel. 歳というのは気持ちの問題さ。

The Joe Pesci Show: Jim Carrey annoys Jimmy Stewart - Saturday Night Live

a-6839 democracy is only as strong as the people who take part in it
b-5707 a ship is only as good as the engineer who takes care of her