

「コウノトリは幸せを運ぶ」「赤ちゃんはコウノトリが運んでくる」0:49 now he's so committed that he's married to somebody else and expecting his first baby. 話の内容はともかくコウノトリがなにやら運んでいる絵が目に止まる。

Did This Real Life Bridget Jones Ever Find Love? | Where Are They Now | Oprah Winfrey Network

0;01 your parents might have told you that storks bring babies to their families but,,,, 「お前たちはコウノトリに運ばれてきたのだよ」と両親に言われたことがあるかもしれませんが、、、

Spying' stork captured in Egypt

0:01 The stork brought a fresh crop of baby pandas! コウノトリがパンダの赤ちゃんを運んできました。

The First Giant Panda Cubs of 2018 Are Born in China

0:12 dad, I'm almost 12. how long do you expect me to buy that story that the stork dropped me on your doorstep? 私ももう12歳。いつまで「お前はコウノトリが運んできた」って言う話しを信じろって言うの?

The Parent Trap (1998) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

0:28 everybody knows that the stork brings the baby. 赤ちゃんはコウノトリが運んでくるってみんなが知っている。

how mothers deliver a baby from little girl point of view

b-2918 the stork brought it