
Speak truth to power 権力に対して真実を語る

Speak truth to power 3:38 Rubio has proven to be every bit a small as Trump suggested by calling him “Little Marco,” he quotes the bible all the time but he never speaks truth to power. 共和党のマルコ・ルビオはトランプが揶揄したとおり「小さなルビオ」だった。彼は聖書をよく引き合いに出すが、(聖書に書かれているはずの)権力者に真実を語ること(トランプに反論することは)は決してなかった。

Cuomo explains why CNN won't air Trump's 46-minute speech

2:19 as a late night talk show host, it's basically Bill Maher's job to speak truth to power. 夜のトークショーの司会者として、ビル・マー の仕事は権力者に物を言うことだ。

The Long List Of Celebs Who Can't Stand Ivanka Trump

3:23 far too many people would sit there silently when the president would make inappropriate comments and were too scared to speak truth to power. トランプが馬鹿な発言をするたびに周りにいる大勢が何も言わずに黙認をしていた。彼らはトランプに本当のことを言うのが怖かったのだ。

Ex-Trump official shares his prediction if Trump loses 2020

a-9244 speak truth to power
a-9361 speak truth to power
a-9885 speak truth and science to power
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b-6101 speaking truth to power