
on my dime 私の出費で

on my dime は私のお金を使って、私の出費でという意味です。on someone’s dime が公式。 0:28 the Italian-born explorer set sail two months earlier on the dime of the Spanish monarchy to find a western sea route to China, India and the rumored gold and spice islands of Asia. コロンブス新大陸発見の二ヶ月前にスペインの王室の援助を受けて航海に乗り出していた。

Does Columbus Day Glorify A Mass Murderer?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ4DcM2H-eU  4:54 and this is all on your dime. correct? all on our dime. 顧客をここまで接待するのも全部あなたがた持ちなの?全部がこちら持ちです。
Secrets of Celebrity Brokers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfQqLSvECVM  0:42 so we came here to the Reagan Airport to find out what people think of Congress members flying first-class on their dime. = on the taxpayer dime 国会議員たちが国民の血税を使ってファーストクラスを使っていることについて旅客の意見を聞くべくここロナルド・レーガン・ワシントン・ナショナル空港にやってきました。
Should Congress Fly First-Class?

a-8958 on his own dime
b-0747 on our own dime
b-3115 on their own dime
b-4049 all on United's dime
b-6546 on a company's dime = at the company's expense, paid for by the compnay
b-6874 on the insurance company's dime
b-7027 on the taxpayer's dime