U.S. Citizens Urged Not To Travel To China Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak
YouTube(ユーチューブ)で英語を楽しく学習し母国語と同じプロセスで習得できるブログです。このブログを毎日読んで聞いていればアメリカやイギリスで20年生活する以上の知識と英語力が身につき品のある英語が話せるようになります。毎日続けることが大切です。単語・イディオムを増やしていけば、ラジオ、テレビ、映画の英語が嘘のように全部聞き取れるようになり、英書がすらすら読めるようになります。基本文例500と少なくとも英単語20000とイディオム2000を目指してください。左コラムの検索枠にキーワードを打ち込むと過去の記事を探せます。現在約32200の記事を収録しています。本ブログは全てがオリジナルですが、引用については私はなんら文句を言うつもりはないので教材として活用してください。きっと最高の結果が出るでしょう。ご意見などがありましたら「ブログについて」と明記の上unotoru@gmail.comにお寄せください。ブルースカイで逐次最新英語情報を発信しています。ハンドルは @unotoru.bsky.socialです。
U.S. Citizens Urged Not To Travel To China Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak
pull my leg からかう
The Carbonaro Effect - Double Vision Revealed
2:20 I thought first somebody was pulling my leg. 検察がジャシー・スモレット容疑者の起訴を全て取り下げたことは、誰がのいたずらかと思ったよ。
Inside Jussie Smollett's 2 Days of Community Service
2:13 .. but it does seem like it could well be somebody pulling your leg. このビデオは本物に見えるが、誰がが一杯食わせようとしているようにも見える。
Golden eagle snatches child: Amazing video or elaborate fake? - Truthloader
1:33 I said you're pulling my leg. put my sister on the phone.私は妹の彼氏に、あんたふざけないで、早く妹を電話に出しなさいよ。と言ってやりました。
Sister Of Woman Found Dead Speaks Out
b-1453 pulled my leg
b-2178 you're pulling my leg
b-5706 pulling an old man's leg
b-6986 pulling our leg
The Activities of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan / 天皇皇后両陛下のご活動(フィリピンご訪問用)
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/12/20171225.html 私の英語ノート 2017/12/25
Mike Tyson On Using His Height To His Advantage | The Dick Cavett Show
Antiques Roadshow なんでも鑑定団
4;04 (ヒアリングの練習問題a-7636), that would be the first thing that would wear off the watch. もし腕にはめて使っていたら、この部分が最初に剥がれていたはずだ。
5:24 no (ヒアリングの練習問題a-7637) on it.
6:03 I can't think you enough for bringing me one of the greatest watches to ever see on Antiques Roadshow.
Bonanzaville, Hour 1 | Rolex Oyster Cosmograph & Documentation, ca. 1971 | ANTIQUES ROADSHOW | PBS
4:04 I find Fabergé things on the Antiques Roadshow but nothing of this scale. ファベルジェの金細工作品はなんでも鑑定団でよくお目にかかるが、これほどの作品にお目にかかるのは初めてだ。
Magical Faberge flower valued at £1 million - Antiques Roadshow - BBC One
a-7773 a Fabergé egg
a-8384 treat them like Faberge eggs
b-3601 Faberge Egg
私の英語ノート 2020/01/39
Kobe Bryant helicopter lacked terrain alarm system
0;35 my heart just sunk when I heard that him and his daughter had crashed. この crash がどうしても、crash と crush の中間くらいの音に聞こえる。文脈で crash とすぐに判断できるが、AI は crush と判断している。、、、だから、いつもお手本となる発音だけを勉強していてはいけない。 いつも多くの発音を聞くことを心がけるべきである。
Gianna Bryant Inspires Rivals to Work Hard
Kobe Bryant helicopter lacked terrain alarm system
Man With Marijuana Charge Lights Joint in Court: Cops
in-house roasting 自家焙煎
Seiko vs Grand Seiko | Watchfinder & Co.
2:30 its coffee beans are roasted and ground in-house. はた珈琲店では、コーヒー豆を自家焙煎している。
Japanology Plus - Coffee
2:38 this is Question Coffee where the beans are sourced from female farmers and roasted in-house. キガリのクエスチョンコーヒーでは女性の農家から仕入れた生豆を自家焙煎している。
Rwanda’s Capital is Attracting Tourists
1;29 I don't believe that the church has the capability in-house to handle these cases successfully. カトリック教会に性的虐待スキャンダルに対処する自助能力があるとは思わない。
Vatican Announces Landmark Law Aimed At Ending Clergy Sex Abuse
a-8293 in-house brewery
a-9049 designed in-house
b-1074 in-house Apple silicon chips
I'm being raped': accuser Mimi Haleyi tells NY court that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her
Coronavirus: Death toll from China virus outbreak passes 100 - BBC News
Gianna Bryant Inspires Rivals to Work Hard
私の英語ノート 2020/01/29
Trump redecorates White House with gold walls, chandelier
さて、日の丸と言えば日本の国旗なのだが、「大きな赤い丸は危険」には驚いた。11:54 big red circle, danger
Chip Kidd: The art of first impressions — in design and life
make great strides 大きく飛躍する
Did Poor Pilot Skills Lead to this 1999 Plane Crash?
2:05 since then, technology has made great strides. 水素電池技術はそれから大きな発展を遂げた。
Can Hydrogen Fuel the World's Fast-Growing Energy Needs? | WSJ
0;57 we've been making strides. 電力不足は解消されつつある。
Trump declares major disaster in Puerto Rico from hurricane
3:37 Miyamoto may be making the biggest strides for black Hāfus by challenging the widespread view here that lighter skin is more beautiful.
Miss Japan challenges the norm
1:10 we'll explore how Japan's relatively young whisky industry has made such rapid strides.
Japanology Plus - Whisky
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post_19.html 受け流すを英語でなんと言うか?
b-1559 made great strides in
What Friends Had to Say About Losing Kobe Bryant
This is My Favorite Restaurant in the Entire World — The Meat Show
Fog before Kobe Bryant’s fatal crash 'thick' like milk, witness says
Mitt Romney: We should hear from John Bolton
How Coronavirus Is Affecting Wuhan, China
not look a day over (age in years)
100 Years of Beauty: Aging | Cut Has A Field Day
2:01 30 years later, George doesn't look a day over prehistoric. それから30年、カメのジョージはとても古代生物には見えない。
10-year-old girl keeps same pet tortoise 56 years
2:54 I am now 52, and Michelle says that I don't look a day over 51.私は52歳だが、妻は51くらいにしか見えないと言うんだ。
President Obama Speaks on Restoring Security to Homeownership
14:35 you don't look a day over 50. あなたは50歳にも見えませんよ。
Long Term Raw Vegan Has a Stroke: Why a Raw Diet May Not be Healthy
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/11/havent-aged-day.html haven't aged a day 全然歳をとっていない
b-1703 I look a day over
b-4936 you don't look one day over
b-5708 feel a day over a hundred and twenty
Why It's Almost Impossible to Climb 15 Meters in 5 Secs. (ft. Alex Honnold) | WIRED
With growing coronavirus outbreak, is China’s massive quarantine the right response?
Jeremy Wade Catches Deadly Piranha-Like Puffer Fish | River Monsters
China coronavirus 'spreads before symptoms show' - BBC News
marriage of A and B
6:10 finally the wood shelves and leather upholstery are united in a marriage of beauty and comfort. 最後に木と革は美と楽の結合によって結ばれます。
How an Eames Lounge Chair is made - BrandmadeTV
0:17 I study the marriage of space and time. 私は時空(時間と空間の合わさったもの)の研究をしています。
Celebrating the work, mind and humor of Stephen Hawking
1:48 that is like the ultimate marriage of fat and carbs. これは脂と炭水化物の究極の混ぜ合わせです。
Owls, Haggis-Throwing, and the Highland Games: MUNCHIES Guide to Scotland (Episode 5)
b-3869 marriage of advanced robots and military AI
Dolly Parton Ate Ketchup and Water Soup Before Making It Big
heap praise on someone 惜しみない称賛を送る
This Video Exposes Hitler's Secret Illness
6:47 in the film, Sully was grilled by investigators for potential wrongdoing. but in reality, the NTSB investigation heaped praise on Sully and his co-pilot Jeff Skiles for saving the lives of everyone on board. 映画ではサリー機長は国家運輸安全委員会にしぼられるが、実際は、国家運輸安全委員会はサリー機長と副操縦士ジェフリー・スカイルズの両名を、一人の犠牲者も出さなかったと、手放しで称賛した。
Capt. Sully reunites with passengers on 10th anniversary of 'Miracle on the Hudson'
3:50 people heap it on the victim, almost as if it was her fault. 性的被害を受けた女性に対して社会は何故すぐに警察に相談しなかったの、としつこく聞いてくる。あかたかもそれが、被害者の過失であるかのように。
Why I Spoke Up: Rachael Denhollander
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/11/sing-praises.html sing the praises 褒め称える
a-7989 heaping pressure on
b-1750 heaping praise on Zelenskyy
b-2580 heaped praise on his attacker
b-5404 heaped praise on
Cruise Ship Wreck: New Details on Captain
An Australian Couple's Unforgettable Love Story | Where Are They Now | Oprah Winfrey Network
Earthquake hits eastern Turkey, killing 22 | DW News
Capt. Sully reunites with passengers on 10th anniversary of 'Miracle on the Hudson'
New to YouTube: Homeless man refused a meal at restaurant l First broadcast 05/23/14
私の英語ノート 2020/01/25
Can Surgical Masks Protect Against the Coronavirus?
最近はどこの病院、クリニックに行っても手指消毒薬、 速乾性アルコールジェルなどが置いてある。日本には色々な手指消毒薬 hand sanitizer があるが、向うの代表的なものの商品名は Purell だ。1:17 with Purell, you have peace of mind. ピューレルがあれば大丈夫。
PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Refreshing Gel, 8 fl oz Hand Sanitizer Counter Top Pump Bo CSN
3:27 you may need some Purell. あとで手を消毒しておいてね。
RMR: Rick at the St. Lawrence Market
1:07 when the family flies back to the US, they spread a bird flu virus to everyone else on the plane, which is why I always carry a bottle of Purell. スコットランドからアメリカに帰る機上で、鳥インフルエンザのウイルスを他の乗客に移してしまうので、私は手指消毒薬をいつも携帯している。
A little bird flu can't stop Ron Charles from reviewing the new Nora Roberts book
a-7767 Purell
a-7818 Purell
a-7821 purelling my hands
Can Surgical Masks Protect Against the Coronavirus?
with bare hands 素手で
Hero Dad Kills Coyote to Save His Son
5;17 she's not happy. here comes that St. Knix temper. look oh boy, she just crushed a shot put with her bare hands! hold on there. I've gotta correct you there, Pete. she doesn't have “bear hands”, she has human hands. and people don't really say “bear hands”, they say "paws".彼女は砲丸を素手で押しつぶしました。ピートさん、ちょっと待ってください。彼女の手は人間の手ですよ。熊の手じゃありません。熊の手は普通は前足を呼びますよ。
ESPN Classic: Ladies' Shot Put - Saturday Night Live
1:55 there were no professional rescuers at the scene. only men with bare hands. 爆撃現場にはレスキュー隊はおらず、素手の男たちが捜索をしていた。
RT's 10 that shaped 2011: Libya War, Gaddafi's Death
0;22 she was standing in her driveway recently when a bobcat with rabies leapt at her, and she strangled it with her bare hands. このおばあちゃんは自宅前で狂犬病のボブキャットに襲われましたが、素手で絞め殺しました。
The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Grandma Strangles Bobcat to Death
0;49 she showed us how she climbed up the treacherous 40-foot embankment in bare feet. どのように12メートルの急な崖を素足で登ったのかを実演してくれました。
5-Year-Old Hero Gets Medal For Saving Mom and Brother After Car Wreck
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/11/empty-handed.html empty-handed
a-8175 with his bare hands
China coronavirus: Beijing cancelled Chinese New Year celebrations - BBC News
China coronavirus: Beijing cancelled Chinese New Year celebrations - BBC News
Broken Public Clock In Long Beach To Be Repaired Thanks To Donation
私の英語ノート 2020/01/24
France’s baguette obsession: The rules of "baguetiquette"
Dad Saves Son From Mountain Lion
Oprah comes to Prince Harry’s defense in wake of royal relocation
don't start something you can't finish
G.I. Jane - Greatest Scene
5:15 hey, if you're gonna start something, you better be prepared to finish it. キスだけじゃ終わらないよ。
Bionic Ever After 1994
1:16:34 don't start things you can't finish. やるからには最後まで
"The Contract" (complete movie)
1:57 do not start something you can't finish. いったん口にしたからには、責任を取ってくださいよ。
Patrick Stewart Chose A Pit Bull Terrier As Captain Picard's #1 In "Star Trek: Picard"
1:43 but if I start, I'm not going to be able to stop. 止まらなくなるわよ。
Six Days Seven Nights Unofficial Trailer
Dry-Aged Steak and Lamb at the USA’s Most Iconic Steakhouse — Cult Following
Lighthouse of "La Jument" - Phare de "La Jument"
Curiosity Pub (1959)
Wuhan under lockdown amid deadly viral outbreak
Lightfoot crabs ambushed by eels and octopuses | Blue Planet II - BBC
give someone space
Will Harry and Meghan find the peaceful life they crave?
2:37 guys, you gotta give me a little space though. ちょっと開けてくれよ。
President Obama takes unscheduled walk from White House
5:57 in certain instances, we needed to give him more space. 場合によっては、アレックスを一人にする必要があった。
What if He Falls? The Terrifying Reality Behind Filming “Free Solo” | Op-Docs
2:57 put your ego aside and give Vaughan space. サムウェル刑事、エゴは引っ込めて、ヴォーン刑事に任せておきなさい。
Key & Peele - Sex Detective - Uncensored
a-7606 give them more space
a-7743 give her her space
b-5994 give him space
私の英語ノート 2020/01/22
Catch Me If You Can (2/10) Movie CLIP - Are You My Deadhead? (2002) HD
Harry & Meghan Are Out. Could Stephen Colbert Be The Next Duke Of Sussex?
Mercedes-Benz 2020 A-Class Commercial “Hey Mercedes”
Watch Dogs - Hacking is Real Trailer - PS4
Shanann Watts’ Family Denounces Movie About Her Death
leave it at that このくらいにしておこう。
CBS Sunday Morning
0:50 what did you just call me? I called you 'fat fuck.' and we'd better leave it at that unless you'd prefer I call you 'dead fat fuck.' 今何てったんだ?デブッチョだよ。死んだデブッチョって呼ばれたくなければ、その辺でやめておこうぜ。
Best of: The Accountant
2:40 did I know he had been unfaithful in hi marriage? yes. he's a great flirt. we'll leave it at that.ビル・クリントンが浮気していたのを知っていたかって?もちろん。ビルは女好きでしたよ。もうこのくらいでいいでしょう。
How Hillary Clinton Responded to the Gennifer Flowers Scandal | The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE
1:43 if you're saying that that's associated with me, then I'll leave it at that. コミーFBI前長官の罷免が私と関係があるというのなら、私はこれ以上何も言うことはない。
Steve Bannon says firing James Comey was Trump's biggest mistake
a-7859 leave it at (ヒアリングの練習問題a-7860)
b-5799 I'll just leave it at that
Patch Adams (7/10) Movie CLIP - At Your Cervix (1998) HD
私の英語ノート 2020/01/21
SARS-like virus spreads outside China
下のビデオで妙に共感する部分があったので、貼っておく 0:57 If I ever spend more than half a minute to a minute on a question, I just move on to the next one. and then go back to it with a fresh mind later. もし、一分で解けない問題があったら、それは飛ばして次の問題に進む。注;この考えは私の検索方法と同じ。私は5分で検索できないものは飛ばすことにしている。見切りをつけることは試験だけの極意ではない。
17-Year-Old With Perfect ACT Score Shares Test-Taking Tips
a-7591 it is important that they be received
b-1993 it was very important that he be there
b-3264 it is imporant that you leave it to brew
b-5165 it was critical that the papers be
b-6759 important that he be here
in one's capacity ~の資格で、~という立場で
Queen Elizabeth attends church after royal family negotiations end
0:47 the result of this tease by Paltrow lead many to believe that she would be suiting up in Avengers 4 in some capacity. グウィネス・パルトローが公開した「ちょっとだけ」写真は彼女がアベンジャーズエンドゲームになんからかの役柄で登場するためにアイアンマンスーツを着込んでいると多くのファンに想像させた。
AVENGERS 4 Leak _ Iron Woman Reveal (2019) Pepper Potts Rescue, Marvel Superhero Movie HD
1:10 she is a national security law expert. she had served in various capacities in that area. 司法省でナンバー3のレイチェル・ブランド氏は突然辞任した。彼女は国家安全法の専門家であり、その分野では色々な役割で貢献してきた。
Number 3 official at Justice Dept. is stepping down
0:40 now this could lead to some criticism of the President that he was finding an opportunity with cameras watching, to once again, show off one of his properties in his capacity as President of the United States. トランプがハワイでトランプホテルに立ち寄ったことは、合衆国大統領の立場にありながら、カメラの前でまたもや自分の不動産の宣伝するチャンスをうかがっている、との批判を浴びそうだ。
Trump makes unexpected stop before Asia trip
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2018/05/capacity-crowd.html capacity crowd 満員の観客
a-7627 in that capacity
b-6107 in your personal capacity
b-6552 in his personal capacity
Middle school teacher secretly ran white supremacist podcast
Reversal of Fortune (1990) – Sunny's Pills
私の英語ノート 2020/01/20
Poop Splash Elimination - Smarter Every Day 22
昔のトイレは汲み取り式で、ボットン便所と言ったものだ。大便がボットンと落下して、ビシャっとお釣りが来たから、そういう名前になったのだとおもう。汚いが愛らしい名前だと思う。さて、ボットン便所の跳ね返り防止には新聞紙をひくといいとよく言われた。しかし、便所に大便が溜まってくると、ウンチ大陸が形成されて跳ね返りは少なくなるのがボットン便所のいいところではあった。その点、水洗式トイレはボットン便所以上の跳ね返りがある。水洗式トイレにトイレットペーパーをひくことは、ボットン便所に新聞紙をひくことと同じだ。上のビデオの説明をパクると表面張力を変えたことになる(のだろうか?)。本当に表面張力を変えたければ、粘性の高い油などをひくべきだと思う。私はシェービングクリームや泡石鹸などをひいている。すくなくとも、トイレットペーパーよりは効果がある。しかし、何をひくにせよ、keep the change と心の中で念じている。
House submits summary of case for Senate impeachment trial
hit pay dirt お宝を発見する
A California Couple Who Wormed Their Way To Wealth | Blue Collar Millionaire | CNBC Prime
1:22 at this CVS dumpster, we hit pay dirt. ここのマツキヨのゴミ箱で、私たちはお宝の山を見つけた。
How Perfectly Edible Food Is Being Tossed In The Dumpster Rather Than Donated
2;15 while he was being questioned, the police got a search warrant, they sifted through his garbage and hit pay dirt. 容疑者の取調べ中、警察は令状の発布を受け、容疑者の家宅捜索を開始、そして、証拠の山を見つけた。
Are You Being Spied On by Customers at Starbucks?
1;30 authorities say the police investigation is hitting pay dirt, important evidence, explosive caches, suspicious items today. 警察は自爆テロ犯の家宅捜索をして多くの爆薬、疑わしい部品などの有力な手がかりを発見しました。
Officials hunt for possible accomplices in Manchester suicide bombing
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/12/blog-post_4949.html 一山当てるを英語でなんと言うか?
b-6384 hits pay dirt
Debbie Reynolds Discusses Death In Her Last Interview With Inside Edition
Mom on 4-Year-old Boy Kicked Out of School for Long Hair: 'It's Sexist'
This Baby's Tumor is Nearly Gone After Family Says The Pope Kissed Her Head
How The World's Largest Cruise Ship Makes 30,000 Meals Every Day
Is This $350 Umbrella Really Indestructible?
hammer home 叩き込む
President Harding Tours Alaska in a Specially Adapted Car
1:03 she went on that length to really hammer home the point. 彼女はポイントを理解させるためにあれだけの努力をした。
China might retaliate against Canada for Huawei arrest | Power & Politics
0:56 while the Conservative government is emphasizing a return to economic growth and falling unemployment, the Labor opposition have hammered home what they call the cost-of-living crisis. 保守党政府は経済成長への返り咲きと低失業率の実現を強調したが、野党労働党は物価上昇がもたらす生活費の危機的な増加を訴えた。
Struggling middle class 'Aldi Mums' at heart of UK election
2:48 the challenge for Trump is whether he can be disciplined long enough to continue to hammer home that message. トランプの課題は「自分こそ庶民の味方」と言うメッセージを国民に叩き込めるほど十分に自分を律することが出来るかどうかということです。
Donald Trump renews rivalry with Ted Cruz
4:47 but you need sometimes to think outside the box to hammer home the point Andreas was making. アンドリアスさんがおっしゃったことを徹底させるためには時には逆転の発想が必要ですよ。
Greece's Gamble: Tsipras holds out as default deadline looms
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/05/drive-point-home.html drive the point home 理解させる
Happy birthday, Betty White
Compensation for grieving families of Flight 752 victims
Evelyn Yang was assured justice. Here's how the doctor she says assaulted her went free
私の英語ノート 2020/01/18
Science of stupid Backflip
0;19 this was originally a vaulting box.元々は跳び箱でした。
Furniture from Sports Equipment | euromaxx
さて、訓練に集まったのは60人だった。市の職員が二人、沢山小の教頭も参加してみんなで、運営委員長の話を聞いていると、妻が突然臭いと言い出した。誰かがすかしっぺをしたのだ。すかしっぺは確かに臭い。silent but deadly, SBD がすかしっぺ。1:39 did you hear that? silent on pain of imprisonment. this is the Senate's second harshest punishment after 'silent but deadly.' 聞いたかい?静かにしてないと牢屋にぶち込むってさ。これは上院では「すかしっぺ」の次に重い処罰だぜ。
Parnas Implicates Trump & Co. In Ukraine Crimes, And He Has Receipts
a-7788 the vault
私がすすめる医学英語 2020/01/18
Andrew Yang’s Wife Says She Was Sexually Assaulted
Andrew Yang’s Wife Says She Was Sexually Assaulted
US service members injured in Iran bombing
rain on parade ケチをつける
Philippines volcano will erupt in days or hours, experts predict
2;30 eventually the market is going to rain on this parade. いづれ市場がこの過熱した景気に待ったをかけるだろう。
Holding the Dollar Could be Riskier Than Stocks
3:49 I have great respect for Lesley Stahl. I don't mean to be a lot of rain on the parade here, but I don't know what she meant when she said PEOPLE think you're going to be in the administration. 私はスタル記者をとても尊敬していて、彼女のインタビューにケチをつけるわけではありませんが、彼女が「みんなが」イバンカの政権入りを思っているという箇所は理解できません。注;rain on the parade が名詞として使われている。
Donald Trump Softens Stance On Prosecuting Hillary Clinton | MSNBC
2:20 with all the divorce rumors raining on the Harvey's parade, you'd think they'd be a little sour, but Steve and Marjorie seem rock solid. 色々な離婚の噂がスティーブ・ハーヴィさん夫妻の結婚生活を邪魔立てし、夫妻は落ち込んでいると思うだろうが、二人の仲は不動に見える。
Strange Things About Steve Harvey's Marriage
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2012/04/blog-post_24.html 水をさすを英語でなんと言うか?
a-9053 rain on the parade
b-2862 rain on Herschel Walker's parade
b-4123 rain on china's olympics
私の英語ノート 2020/01/17-a
He married his niece... then wound up dead
3:18 and if we're going to send humans to any of them, we prefer the journey (should) be as fast as possible. もし人類が他の惑星に行くのなら、なるべく速い旅にしてもらいたいものだ。
Ion-Powered Rockets Could Take Us to Distant Planets in a Fraction of the Time
0:15 if you haven't seen the movie yet, then we not only suggest that you (should) do so, but highly recommend that you (should) proceed with caution.
Avengers Endgame: What You Didn't Realize About Black Widow
0:22 the move comes after Trump called the Turkish President to insist he (should) cease the incursion. シリアへの侵攻をやめなければトルコ経済を壊滅させるという警告はトランプがトルコの大統領に電話をしてトルコのシリアへの侵攻を直ちにやめるべきだと強く要求した直後に発表された。
Turkish offensive in Syria: Trump threatens Ankara's economy, imposes sanctions
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/01/recommend.html Recommend + 原型動詞
Impeachment Trial Of President Trump Begins
Trump impeachment: Senators sworn in for president's trial
私の英語ノート 2020/01/17
一応、あわびは abalone アバロー二 とおぼえておこう。11:37 a strip of dried abalone.熨斗鮑(のしあわび)
[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP41 : Gift giving 2012 12 20
What $400 Gets You at One of NYC’s Most Expensive Sushi Restaurants — Consumed
Master Sushi Chef Gen Mizoguchi Uses the Rarest Ingredients at his Las Vegas Restaurant — Omakase
45:23 this abalone shell
Future Technologies That Will Change The World National Geographic Documentary 2015
b-5323 abalone
私がすすめる医学英語 2020/01/17
Wendy Williams Apologizes for Joaquin Phoenix Lip Scar Joke
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_94.html 語学の天才などいない
Recommend + 原型動詞
Doomsday Prepper Tips: Water Filter | Doomsday Preppers
3:47 he insists everything be made by hand.
France's Gourmet School Lunches
0:38 what do you suggest we do about it? で、どうしたらいいのか君の案を聞こう。
The Hunt for Red October (2/9) Movie CLIP - Ryan's Plan (1990) HD
107 Morgan's oncologist Dr. Paula Klein of Mt Sainai Hospital suggested she enroll in a new clinical trial. モーガンさんのがんの主治医は新しい治療法をためすことをモーガンさんに提案した。
New Treatments In The Works For Advance Breast Cancer Patients
0:44 Amber's mother said the school nurse requested a doctor's note be faxed over. アンバーさんの母は学校の看護師はアンバーさんの診断書をファックスして欲しいと要求してきたという。
School Crutches Controversy in 2008
0:25 tonight a Federal judge ordering an alleged Russian agent Maria Butina be held behind bars pending trial. 連邦裁判官はロシアのスパイのマリア・ブティナ被告に対して裁判まで身柄を拘束する判決を下した。
Suspected Russian agent ordered held behind bars pending trial
1;32 if anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me. 誰かが捕まるんなら、俺だけにしてくれ。
Elon Musk defies orders, reopens California factory l ABC News
https://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/01/20200117-a.html 私の英語ノート 2020/01/17-a
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/01/20200121.html 私の英語ノート 2020/01/21
a-8035 be reinstated
a-8079 she be released
a-8448 suggest you walk away and bother
a-8520 insisting that his body be left alone
a-8560 ask that you leave
a-9202 ask that he be disciplined
a-9261 not receive
a-9277 suggest that we synchronize our watches
a-9990 demanded that the homeless man immediately leave
b-0086 requested the election results be set aside
b-0182 suggest you walk away and bother somebody else答
b-0561 request Balboa be held
b-0900 demanding they resolve its debt
b-1961 suggest you walk away and bother somebody else
b-3340 be made public
b-6996 he be forcefully brought
10-Year-Old Girl Wears Whistle to School to Scare Bullies
Boot Inn (1958)
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