How the Two-Hour Marathon Limit Was Broken | WIRED
7:33 .. that the losses from the fires would be comparable to the direct shaking losses in the original event. 地震による火災の死者数は地震本体の揺れで死亡する人間の数と同じくらいだ。
Seismologist Explains How to Prepare for a Massive Earthquake | WIRED
14:44 today we are living through an era of economic transformation comparable, in its scale and its scope, to the Industrial Revolution. 現在の我々はその規模と範囲において産業革命に匹敵する経済の過渡期にある。
Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich
3:24 in 1929, a Japanese whiskey comparable to an imported one was launched. 昭和4年、スコッチウイスキーに肩を並べる国産ウイスキー第1号が発売された。
[Japanology Plus] Whisky Season 2 EP 01
a-7605 incomparable 発音に注意
a-8077 comparable to
b-0766 comparable