
something of a ナントカ

something of a ナントカ = ナントカ of sorts 0:17 defending the president over the indefensible has become something of a cottage industry for Republican lawmakers. 正当化できるはずのない大統領の行為を正当化するのは共和党議員にとっては内職じみたものとなってしまった。

SE Cupp: Don't be surprised if this is what undoes Trump

3:06 they knew that they had something of a celebrity prisoner there.マケイン大佐を捕虜にしたベトコンの連中はマケイン大佐がいわばセレブであることを熟知していた。

John McCain: Remembering a Maverick | NYT News

1:56 for a full century thereafter, impeachment seemed like something of a relic. ジョンソン大統領の弾劾裁判以降、まるまる一世紀以上は、弾劾は「前世紀の 遺物」のように見えた。

So, You Want To Impeach The President | Ron's Office Hours | NPR

1:32 she has become something of a celebrity among Victims' rights groups.  アレクサンダーさんは被害者人権擁護グループではセレブのような存在となった。

How a Mother of Three Stays Positive While Serving House Arrest

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/09/something-of-sorts.html   something of sorts ナントカじみたもの
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2023/09/a-whale-of-something.html   a whale of a (something)

a-7183 more of a mystery 注;something of a ナントカ、more of a ナントカ、less of a ナントカ、は同列。
a-7255 something of a
a-7486 something of a national hero
a-8141 somewhat of a star
a-8196 something of a smokescreen
a-9380 something of a pop culture phenomenon
b-0429 something of a tourist attraction
b-0946 more of an investment
b-1363 much of a mother
b-1599 more of a Great Reshuffling
b-1849 a monster of a chip
b-4356 something of a success story