
in any way, shape, or form どんな形でも

in any way, shape, or form = under any circumstances or conditions。否定文で、not in any way, shape, or form 決して~しない、の形で使われることが多い。 1:15 what I'm saying is... and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form,,,is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.言わんとすることはだ、、断っておくがこいつは断じてちょかいじゃないよ、、男と女は友達ではいられないということだ。それはいつもセックスが邪魔をするからだ。

Most Succint Analysis of Male-Female Relations

0:53 we took thousands of pictures of her and to suggest we altered them in any shape or form is ludicrous. 我々はブリトニーの写真を何千枚も撮っている。その写真に何らかの手を加えたとか言いがかりをつけるのは馬鹿げている。

Britney Spears Addresses Unflattering Paparazzi Photo

0;57 this is not about politics in any way, shape or form. 空母ジョン・F・ケネディの建造は政治とはまったく無縁だ。

Newport News Shipbuilding reaches milestone in construction of USS John F. Kennedy

1:00 in no way, shape or form, do I think this is intentional. これが故意にやったことだとは僕は決して思わないよ。

US figure skater is accused of intentionally cutting fellow athlete on the ice

a-7058 in any way, shape or form
a-8092 in any way, shape or form
a-8270 in any way, shape or form
a-9260 in no way, shape or form
a-9686 not in any way, shape or form
b-0039 in any way, shape or form
b-0187 in any way, shape or form
b-0872 in any shape, way or form 注;通常の in any way, shape or form と順序が違うが、まったく問題はない。
b-3779 in no way, shape or form
b-4697 in any shape or form