Doomsday Prepper Tips: Water Filter | Doomsday Preppers
3:47 he insists everything be made by hand.
France's Gourmet School Lunches
0:38 what do you suggest we do about it? で、どうしたらいいのか君の案を聞こう。
The Hunt for Red October (2/9) Movie CLIP - Ryan's Plan (1990) HD
107 Morgan's oncologist Dr. Paula Klein of Mt Sainai Hospital suggested she enroll in a new clinical trial. モーガンさんのがんの主治医は新しい治療法をためすことをモーガンさんに提案した。
New Treatments In The Works For Advance Breast Cancer Patients
0:44 Amber's mother said the school nurse requested a doctor's note be faxed over. アンバーさんの母は学校の看護師はアンバーさんの診断書をファックスして欲しいと要求してきたという。
School Crutches Controversy in 2008
0:25 tonight a Federal judge ordering an alleged Russian agent Maria Butina be held behind bars pending trial. 連邦裁判官はロシアのスパイのマリア・ブティナ被告に対して裁判まで身柄を拘束する判決を下した。
Suspected Russian agent ordered held behind bars pending trial
1;32 if anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me. 誰かが捕まるんなら、俺だけにしてくれ。
Elon Musk defies orders, reopens California factory l ABC News
参考リンク 私の英語ノート 2020/01/17-a 私の英語ノート 2020/01/21
a-8035 be reinstated
a-8079 she be released
a-8448 suggest you walk away and bother
a-8520 insisting that his body be left alone
a-8560 ask that you leave
a-9202 ask that he be disciplined
a-9261 not receive
a-9277 suggest that we synchronize our watches
a-9990 demanded that the homeless man immediately leave
b-0086 requested the election results be set aside
b-0182 suggest you walk away and bother somebody else答
b-0561 request Balboa be held
b-0900 demanding they resolve its debt
b-1961 suggest you walk away and bother somebody else
b-3340 be made public
b-6996 he be forcefully brought