
with bare hands 素手で

with your bare hands 「素手で」はいいとして、「素足で」は in bare feet になる。 0:11 this hero dad killed a coyote with his bare hands to save his family. この英雄の父親は家族を守るために素手でコヨーテを殺した。

Hero Dad Kills Coyote to Save His Son

5;17 she's not happy. here comes that St. Knix temper. look oh boy, she just crushed a shot put with her bare hands! hold on there. I've gotta correct you there, Pete. she doesn't have “bear hands”, she has human hands. and people don't really say “bear hands”, they say "paws".彼女は砲丸を素手で押しつぶしました。ピートさん、ちょっと待ってください。彼女の手は人間の手ですよ。熊の手じゃありません。熊の手は普通は前足を呼びますよ。

ESPN Classic: Ladies' Shot Put - Saturday Night Live

1:55 there were no professional rescuers at the scene. only men with bare hands. 爆撃現場にはレスキュー隊はおらず、素手の男たちが捜索をしていた。

RT's 10 that shaped 2011: Libya War, Gaddafi's Death

0;22 she was standing in her driveway recently when a bobcat with rabies leapt at her, and she strangled it with her bare hands. このおばあちゃんは自宅前で狂犬病のボブキャットに襲われましたが、素手で絞め殺しました。

The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Grandma Strangles Bobcat to Death

0;49 she showed us how she climbed up the treacherous 40-foot embankment in bare feet. どのように12メートルの急な崖を素足で登ったのかを実演してくれました。

5-Year-Old Hero Gets Medal For Saving Mom and Brother After Car Wreck

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/11/empty-handed.html  empty-handed

a-8175 with his bare hands