
well-connected 強いコネがある

well-connected は毎日聞く言葉。私はいつも必須用語とか言うが、誰でも当然知っているべき言葉のこと。このような言葉を積み重ねていくのが勉強。0:55 of course, it didn't hurt that her family was well-connected, either. ウーナ・チャップリンさんの成功の裏には強いコネがある良い家系に恵まれたことも邪魔にはならなかった。

You've Seen Charlie Chaplin's Granddaughter On Game Of Thrones

8:50 her grandfather runs an architecture firm and is well-connected in the arts. so the young singer was basically a shoo-in to be in the entertainment industry. as in America and other modern countries, having connections is everything. 少女時代のスヨンの祖父は建築会社を経営していて芸能方面には強いコネがあった。だから、スヨンは、、、、

Inside The Lives Of The Rich Kids Of South Korea

0:37 The FBI's decision to recommend no charges against the former Secretary, or anyone connected to her, continues to raise serious concerns that our nation's system of justice applies differently to the rich, powerful, and well-connected than to everyone else. FBIがメール問題でヒラリーを起訴しなかったのは、わが国の司法制度は一般人には厳しいが金持ちや権力を持っている人間、強いコネのある人間には優しいのではないかという懸念を与える。

FBI Chief Defends Agency Following Sharp Criticism by Trump

0:10 the Vatican has long been criticized by international organizations for providing a tax haven for well-connected Italians.

The Vatican and Italy agree new deal to end banking secrecy

a-7577 white powerful connected men