Hillary Clinton reads 'Fire & Fury' during Grammy Awards
8:19 all the experts agreed she had it in the bag. 専門家たちの見方は「クリントンが大統領選を制した」だった。
Charlie Brooker - Donald Trump
3:55 this is the campaign that went into election day thinking that they have this in the bag. クリントン陣営は勝利を手にしたも同然と思い投票に臨んだ。
Where Hillary Clinton and Her Supporters Go From Here
0:35 it's not in the bag yet but I think it's happening. 次のスターウォーズに私の出演が本決まりというわけではないが、そういう話は出ている。
Harrison Ford on 'Star Wars': 'I think it's happening'
0;28 Marv! I just bagged the elephant. マーヴィン、象をしとめたぜ!
Wallstreet - Bud Fox's Big Break
a-9002 in the bag
a-9249 in the bag