Government shutdown: Democrats and GOP blame each other
1:50 nuclear war is imminent but at the eleventh hour Khrushchev and Kennedy make a deal. the Soviets withdraw its missiles from Cuba. and the US removes its own missiles from sites near the Soviet Union. 核戦争勃発は時間の問題だったが、土壇場になってフルシチョフとケネディはお互いの核ミサイルを撤退させることで合意した。
How a Downed U.S. Plane Almost Caused a Nuclear War
0:01 blockbuster announcement from the FBI in the eleventh hour clearing Hillary Clinton once again over those emails when she was Secretary of the State. ヒラリーは「白」と、選挙戦が終わりに近づいたころ、FBI はヒラリーの私用メールの再捜査の結果を発表した。
Clinton Email Investigation | FBI Director Confirms Original Decision on
0:11 and rumors hotly denied that the bride had tried to back out of the wedding at the eleventh hour only added extra spice to the event. 新婦が結婚寸前に怖気づいて逃げ出そうとしたという噂が公室側に断固否定されたことが、この結婚式にさらに花を添えた。
Prince Albert of Monaco weds SA swimmer
参考リンク 最後の駆け込みを英語でなんと言うか?
a-6156 at the eleventh hour
b-2612 at the eleventh hour and the fifty ninth minute
b-4003 at the eleventh hour