
welcome their first child 最初の子供が生まれる

welcome their first child, welcome our first child 最初の子供が生まれる、新しい家族を迎える、を載せている辞書はないようだが必須表現。ここでの child は当然 baby の意味。0:14 and as you already know that in June we're looking forward to welcoming our first child. 皆様がすでにご存知の通り、この六月に私たちは最初の子供を授かることになりました。

New Zealand PM's 'unusual' announcement - BBC News

27;00 in 1998, the couple welcomed their first child, a daughter named Malia Ann.

Biography of President Barack Obama , Full Documentary

37:52 on April 26, 1996, Bill and Melinda welcomed their first child, a daughter Jennifer.

How Bill Gate Made Microsoft Full Documentary

0:38 Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas day. 聖母マリアの御子イエスはクリスマスに生誕された。

Charlotte Church: "Mary's Boy Child" (2000). Live, HD, lyrics & subtitles.