Stomach condition caused by plastic sauce sachet - BBC London News
0:25 the wounds are still a little tender. ロムニー氏が大統領選で敗れた傷はまだ癒えていない。
Why Mitt Romney Lost the Election - WSJ Opinion
1:10 I'm a little tender. I frighten easily. can I hang back behind you? 私は気が小さくて、ビビリなので、(あなたが戦う時は)ちょっとあなたの後ろに隠れてもいいですか?
ABC Action News at 6 AM: Transformers 3D ride opens
1:05 is it tender?
Captain Phillips: Captain is traumatized HD CLIP
参考リンク tender 申し出る
a-8551 tender
b-6427 less tender