He married his niece... then wound up dead
3:18 and if we're going to send humans to any of them, we prefer the journey (should) be as fast as possible. もし人類が他の惑星に行くのなら、なるべく速い旅にしてもらいたいものだ。
Ion-Powered Rockets Could Take Us to Distant Planets in a Fraction of the Time
0:15 if you haven't seen the movie yet, then we not only suggest that you (should) do so, but highly recommend that you (should) proceed with caution.
Avengers Endgame: What You Didn't Realize About Black Widow
0:22 the move comes after Trump called the Turkish President to insist he (should) cease the incursion. シリアへの侵攻をやめなければトルコ経済を壊滅させるという警告はトランプがトルコの大統領に電話をしてトルコのシリアへの侵攻を直ちにやめるべきだと強く要求した直後に発表された。
Turkish offensive in Syria: Trump threatens Ankara's economy, imposes sanctions
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/01/recommend.html Recommend + 原型動詞