
let hair down

髪の毛を下げるとは裃(かみしも)を脱ぐくらいの意味です。2:23 everybody had a good year. everybody let their hair down.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIY6AE4m6E  13;53 and to top it all, an Olympic-sized 200-ft long swimming pool where the guests could let their hair down. この豪邸の極めつけは客がくつろげる大きなプールだった。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lRjl1oiG-M  5:52 you said you and me was going to get out of town and for once just really let our hair down. 一緒に町を出て思いっきり羽目を外そうって言ったよね?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5JzItOSDdg  0:01 lunch time on a late summer's day in London, it affords people to chance to let their hair down. 夏の終わりの昼飯時、ロンドンっ子たちは無礼講を楽しむ。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbagLgCkIbY  2:53 on the night they let their hair down and partied with the people.

a-7599 letting your hair down
b-2611 letting her hair down
b-4988 let your hair down