
From the comfort of living room

the comfort of が基幹部分です。このような部分はさっさとおぼえることです。暗記、暗記、暗記、、、暗記をせずにお手軽に英語をマスター、、、できるわけが無い! 3:59 spies can now work from the comfort of their own living rooms. いまどきのスパイは居心地のいい居間から活動できる。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqXD9X8QMUk  2;03 good from the comfort of the couch. ソファーに楽に座ってこのような素晴らしい映像を眺めれるのはGood!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgYS_PyOWYo  0;02 Beth Drake recently gave birth to baby Debra in the comfort of her own home.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8CtuixagNs  0:07 while you do that your holiday shopping from the comfort of your own home.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf8uuQiUEso  0:38 what could I order from the comfort of my couch delivered to my door instantly?

a-2062 from the comfort of her San Francisco home
a-2210 without the comfort of dry land
a-7022 the comfort of my house
b-0006 from the comfort of their homes
b-3387 from the comfort of your seat