

望みをかける、希望を託すは pin the hopes on something/somebody といいます。0:33 they are pinning their hopes on the country's constitutional court which has already rejected some of the government's austerity measures. ポルトガルの貧困層は緊縮財政下でも増税を憲法裁判所が違憲と判断してくれることを期待している。この憲法裁判所はポルトガル政府の緊縮財政法案のいくつかをすでに退けている。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTu9kgsZoV0  19;12 many patients have pinned their hope on Dr. Frank Morales and his improvised stem cell procedures. 多くのALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症)患者がモラレス医師が考案した幹細胞治療に最後の願いを託してきた。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu94b-wU19U  20:52 the team is pinning its hopes on the excellence of a surviving bull named Mihonokuni. 美穂国
[ Begin Japanology Plus ] Season 6 EP10 Wagyu 2013 03 21

a-8056 have pinned their hopes on
a-8097 pinning their hopes on
a-9407 pinned hopes on new markets
b-5306 pinning their hope on
b-5606 pinning its hopes on