

hoarfrost か soft rime のどちらかになります。1:00 hoarfrost

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4HU2Vhsy-w  0:02 Spectacular scenery of hoarfrost transformed trees alongside the banks of Yitong River in northeast China's Jilin Province into a Winter wonderland on Thursday. 吉林省の伊通河沿いの並木が白霜(はくそう)で銀世界に変わった幻想的な風景。0:17 a combination of cold spell and humid air meant the trees and vegetation were coated by a soft rime which formed on Thursday morning. 過冷却と霧(湿気を含んだ空気)は樹木や植物を霧氷(むひょう)で覆ってしまった。注;樹氷とはhoarfrost,soft rime が樹木を覆う現象。