
within an inch of life

within an inch of life は死の間際まで迫るくらいの意味。死をlife と表現するのは 生命保険 life insurance と同じ考え方。あれは死亡保険 death insurance と言えばスッキリと理解できる。1:13 it sounds like the solution to it is salt and spice food to within an inch of its life. 機内食を美味しくする方法はまずくなる一歩手前まで徹底的に味付けを濃くする事だ。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiuYVWO3bck  9;02 three children, a teenager and a grandmother were beaten to within an inch of their lives and then shot. 五人は死ぬ一歩手前までボコボコにされて、銃殺された。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meZ3h57pCzg  0:28 how they came within inches of losing their lives at Rouch's hands. これは亜流表現ですがすぐに理解できます。

a-9393 beaten to an inch of his life
a-9496 litigated to within an inch of its life
b-0163 came within an inch
b-3727 beaten within an inch of his life