
on the part of me, on my part

on the part of me, on my part(私のほう、じぶん側。on his part = on the part of him、on your part = on the part of you 1:29 Rumors have been swirling that an alleged nanny affair on Gavin's part. この二人の離婚劇は旦那のガビン(のほうが)が子守の女中と浮気したことが原因らしいとの噂で持ちっきりだ。

12 Shocking Celeb Splits of 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eps0J53sb_w  0:57 there is a real lack of social graces on the part of Romanowski in any country. これはロマノウスキー選手(のほう)のエチケット違反です。
Top 10 Unsportsmanlike Moments in Pro Sports
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dwyYvECGt0  0:28 I knew in my gut that there was something mechanically wrong rather than a mistake on her part. 自分の娘(側)の過失よりも機械の誤作動とはじめからわかっていた。
Families want answers in GM crashes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBLEKTCgIik  1:07 this shooting was the result of revenge on the part of the shooter because of a confrontation or a disagreement.この銃撃事件は言い争いによる銃撃犯(がわ)による復讐だ。
Student Storms Arapahoe High School With Shotgun Looking for Teacher

a-6753 on the animal's part
a-7609 on the part of the defendant
b-0601 on the part of
b-1712 on the part of the Russians