

使うことによって耐久性が落ちたり、すり減ったり、消耗することはwear and tearということが出来ます。0:18 it also lead to wear and tear on his leg and ankle that forced him to retire. 230センチの長身は姚明(ヨウメイ)選手選手の足と足首にダメージを与え引退に追い込んだ

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3l81PrEodM 1:24 The flags at Aliiolani Hale get more wear and tear than most flags in the state. That's because they're flown 24 hours a day. ここの星条旗は下ろさないので、他の地域の旗よりも早くボロけてしまう。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGonsIF3AOc 0:14 having survived 350 years of wear and tear and its a fair share of pigeon waste
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJeIHtEB9t4  but the products are subject to wear and tear. アスベスト製品は磨耗、消耗する運命だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_pThVepJ8o&feature=g-vrec 3:02 there are buildings they saw, they are really 2 or 3 years old. they are already beginning to show signs of wear and tear. 私の派遣したチームによると、築わずか二、三年のビルに老朽化の兆しが見られる。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8vzrNrnU9g 0:19 general wear and tear

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvall9Xesrk 1:17 so the purpose of this test is simulate, basically, ten years of use and abuse by leaving a car parked near a coast. この検査は車を海の近くに停めた場合、車体に及ぶ十年間分の様々な影響を模擬するのが目的です。

a-2029 wear and tear
a-7637 wear
a-9947 the wear