
that wasn't 起きなかった出来事

.... that wasn't 起こるべき出来事が起こらなかった時の決まり文句です。0:05 the blizzard that wasn't. 起こらなかった吹雪。

The Blizzard That Wasn’t | The New York Times

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1WUk6zmRr8  3:33 so how many of you have actually heard of Buran? and what else do you what to know about this Soviet space shuttle that sort of was but kind of wasn't. ブランという旧ソビエト連邦のスパースシャトルの名前を聞いたことのある人は何人いますか?この宇宙に羽ばたきそうで羽ばたかなかったスペースシャトルについて知りたいことは他にもありますか?
Why was the Soviet space shuttle left to rot?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAk4KcxTTpg  0:02 welcome to San Luis Potosi, home to the Ford Plant that never was.
Concern grows in Mexico, home to now empty Ford plant

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkyujOMDSTs  2:20 and like all campaigns by the communist party it was a huge success until it wasn't. 共産党はいつもの政治運動のように失敗が発覚するまでは大成功を収めた自慢した。
To Save a Mother's Life, Hundreds Line Up to Give Blood | China Uncensored

a-4496 that never was
a-4941 the kiss that wasn't
a-7632 the game that never was
b-0392 a friendly handshake that wasn't
b-4021 that wasn't
b-4163 that almost wasn't