British PM Theresa May Visits the White House 0:01 TEPCO is to build a makeshift bulwark around the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in case bigger aftershocks further harm the already damaged structures. 東電は余震による被害拡大を防ぐため福島第一原発の周囲に仮普請の防護壁を築く計画だ。
TEPCO to build makeshift bulwark around Fukushima nuclear plant 31:19 joint bulwark against radical Islam
Behind the closed doors of The Vatican 0:18 China wants a strong and stable North Korea to act as a bulwark against American power. 中国はアメリカに対抗する砦(とりで)としての役割を持つ強く安定した北朝鮮を望んでいる。
China approves of N Korean new leader
b-4482 a bulwark
b-6423 the bulwark
b-6594 a bulwark