Defendants walk after FBI agent accused of snorting evidence
1:43 prayers answered, Ginger? みんなの願いは天に届いたのでしょうか?
6,400 Flights Canceled Throughout US Airspace
0:23 today their prayers were answered. 「ヨハネ・パウロ2世」を列聖させようとするカトリック教徒の願いは今日叶った。
Former Pope John Paul II Bypasses Vatican Law, Canonized as Saint
2:29 if prayers are answered and the schedule goes as planned, the first phase of the restoration should be done by next year.
St. Patrick's 'divine makeover'
1:24 our teams was part of answering prayers. 名も無き兵士たちの身元確認をするうちのチームは神の役割をになっている。
Mystery Soldier Buried | Top Stories | CBC
参考リンク 祈りを捧げるを英語でなんと言うか? 玄関に出るを英語でなんと言うか? 大ペテン師たち
a-9467 prayers were not answered
b-6956 your prayers have been answered