
had it not been for でなかったなら 構文

had it not been for は if が無いように見えるが、 if it had not been for のこと。not は重要だが、絶対ではない。0:38 Had you come some other day, then it might not have been like this. 君が他の日に来ていたら、(君があの日に来なかったら had you not come that day, if you had not come that day)、きっとこんな気持ちにはなっていなかっただろう。

If I needed someone- The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) [Original]

0:45 who knows the amount of harm that could've been done or how many lives could've been lost, had these parents not found the courage to call the sheriff's office and seek help. 容疑者の両親が勇気をだして警察に届け出なかったら、容疑者の製造した爆弾によって一体どれほどの被害が、一体何人の犠牲者が出ていたかわからない。

Florida woman accused of making 2 dozen pipe bombs | ABC News

0:59 had it not been for him, my son might not be here right now. 身代わりになって死んだゼウスのお陰でなければ、私の息子は今頃お陀仏だったかもしれない。

Family Credits Pit Bull for Saving Boy’s Life From Snake

0:15 had it not been for the steam system, the postcard skyline that you see of Manhattan would be totally different. スチームシステムがなければ(スチームシステムのお陰でなければ)、絵葉書でみるニューヨークのスカイラインはもっと変わったものになっていたでしょう。

A City Shaped by Steam | Living City | The New York Times

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2012/10/blog-post_28.html  お陰でなければを英語でなんと言うか? 構文

a-7028 had he not
a-7032 had I not called
a-7062 had she been
a-7092 had she not first had
a-7111 had that Fukushima plant melted down, it would have made
a-7114 had I known
a-7636 had it be worn
a-8684 had she not reached out
a-9106 had they not contracted COVID-19
b-2820 had I gotten