
put somebody up to something 仕向ける

put somebody up to something 誰かをそそのかして馬鹿なことをさせる。2:00 basically saying that the Mexican government put the Pope up to this. トランプはメキシコ政府が法王にそのように言わせたのだと、反論した。

Pope vs. Trump: war of words

3;52 my brother put you up to it, right? 兄が入れ知恵したんだろう。

A Brothers Feud | Columbo

51:03 you read your question. did you prepare it youself or did someone put you up to it? 君は自分の質問を読んでいたが、それは自分で作った質問なのかそれとも誰かの差し金か?

Inside Putin's Russia -- Watch the full documentary

15:44 the Japanese soliders who put them up to it were just as desperate. 沖縄に玉砕(集団自決)を命じた日本軍も必死だった。

Four Uniforms: The Marvin Day Story