
all men are created to be equal 構文

3;38 Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 87年前、我々の父祖たちは、自由の精神に育まれ、人はみな平等に創られているという信条に捧げられた新しい国家を、この大陸に誕生させた。(日本語訳はAmerican Center Japan[2]より引用、ウィキペディアをコピペ)

The Civil War: The Gettysburg Address

ゲティスバーグ演説ほど有名な演説はないと思うが、all men are created equal の部分はよくいじられる。3:57 but not all arabica coffee is created equal. しかし全ての アラビカ種コーヒーが平等に創られているわけではない。

Why Single-Origin Coffee Is So Expensive | So Expensive Food | Insider Business

0:44 not all mutations are created equal. 全ての変異株が猛毒性を持つわけではありません。

Doctor debunks Trump tweet on Covid-19

0:50 but no all masks are created equal. 全てのマスクが同じように作られてるわけではありません。

Realities of facemasks in fight against coronavirus exposure l GMA

1;52 the hospital food is not all created equal. = not all hospital food is created equal. = not all hospital foods are created equal.

What does hospital food actually taste like?

b-3540 not all Kevlars are created equal