ilk 同類、同族。ilk には話し相手を軽視するニュアンスがある。of one's ilk という形でよく使われる。4:15 Mr Lincoln and his ilk. リンカーンとその輩(やから)は、
Lincoln's Breakthrough at the Lincoln-Douglas Debates | Abraham Lincoln
12;15 so many of their ilk トランプ支持者の烏合の衆。
Republican not sure about women voting, Rudy Giuliani sued AGAIN 12/19/23 TDPS Podcast
5:52 other shows of the same ilk. ホワイトモンキー(白人のこと)を使った同じ類の宣伝ビデオ。
Foreigners in China Will Always Be the Butt of the Joke!
7;29 those of his ilk ジュリアーニの一味。
MUST-SEE: Prosecutor drops new legal bomb on Giuliani
b-5335 something of this ilk
b-6395 and his ilk