Master Of Pain (Undertaker) DEBUT vs. Rodney Napper 02/12/1989 CWA Memphis
1:29 I was jumped by two people. 私はこの刑務所内で二人から暴行を受けた。
Pamela Smart: I Wish I Got the Death Penalty
1:43 I hear you jumped some of my students last night. 昨日の夜、俺の弟子たちを可愛がってくれたそうだな。
The Karate Kid - "Leave the Boy Alone" - (HD) - Scenes from the 80s (1984)
3:48 I just jumped. つい、勢い余って。
Jon Stewart Surprises Audience with Jimmy Kimmel & Matt Damon Video
参考リンク get a jump on 先手を取る
a-6730 jumped
b-3454 jumped me
b-6095 jumped