
at the hands of 手にかかる

at the hands of somebody 誰かの手にかかって(苦しむ、死ぬ)。3;31 many of those Jews were able to escape to Britain but 254 of them still died at the hands of Nazi forces and in concentration camps. ナチスの手にかかって死んだ。

Aquarius: using migrants as political pawns

0:03 this is the young boy who police say starved to death at the hands of his legal guardians and two others who lived in a home.

Doctor Who Examined Boy Who Starved To Death Compares His Body To WWII Prisoners

0:13 last year there were more than 24 million bags delayed, damaged, lost or stolen at the hands of the airline industry. 航空会社側の過失によって、

Airline Lost Luggage On Rise

4:18 we met one young woman from Swindon who endured 7 years of violence at the hands of her partner. 七年間恋人から虐待を受けた

Report into domestic violence

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html   キンドルを活用する
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/20240204shokz.html   shokz は便利

b-3245 at the hands of
b-5252 at the hands or feet, rather, of