New audio of Trump's sister: Ivanka Trump is a mini-Donald
0:08 my first love, a place I remain besotted with, fascinated by. ベトナム料理は私の大の好物、大好きなもの、興味が尽きないもの。
Bourdain falls in love with Vietnam's street food (Parts Unknown)
22:19 she was totally besotted by him. 彼女はすっかり彼に魅せられた。
Real crime - Crocodile tears (with working sound) S02E03
2:22 it was an interesting time where I learnt a great deal and bebame besotted really with the computing industry. あの頃はよく勉強しコンピューター業界にのめりこんでいった時期でした。
Freelance Programmer: the story of Dame Stephanie Shirley
参考リンク ぞっこん惚れ込むを英語でなんと言うか? 首ったけを英語でなんと言うか?
a-8978 his besotted supporters
b-7017 became besotted with