take the wind out of sb's sails セイル(帆)に風が行かないようにする、とは、力や勢いなどを衰えさせること。1:45 chemotherapy is,, it takes the wind out of your sails. 化学療法は、、、体力を消耗するよ。
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0;17 it was almost like he had the wind taken out of him (his sails). トランプは元気がないようにみえる。
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3:21,,, but it can often completely take the wind out of their sails. トランプの大統領選での敗北はトランプ一家の勢いを完全にそぐかもしれない。
What Happens to Trump's Kids When He's Out of Office?
2:08 yet even that report did not take any of the wind out of the stock market's sails. 予想外によかった非農業部門就業者数のレポートが発表されたが(悪い材料)、株式市場の勢いを止めることはできなかった。
🔴 A Surge in Moonlighting Evidences Weakness Not Strength - Ep 824
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/03/second-wind.html second wind 元気回復
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/12/wind-behind-sails.html wind behind sails セイルに風を受ける
b-2826 took the wind out of his sails
b-4682 took the wind out of our sails
b-4948 take the wind out of your sails
b-5936 the wind does seem to have been taken out of the sails
b-6988 take the wind out of his sails