
言いなりになるを英語でなんと言うか?iinari iutoori inomama omoidouri

at someone's beck and callといいます。you think I am at your beck and call.(私を奴隷・召使だと思っている) 下のビデオではロシア人が英語で説明しています。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=ty7dJDR_YCo 1:21 you just think I am at your back and call. 奴隷だと思っているの?1;26 I do not believe that you are at my beck and call. そんな風には思っていない。36:19 I will pay you to be at my beck and call.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rrJY0kuUSI&feature=g-all-u&context=G2f18af9FAAAAAAAAVAA 0:42 he hit back at opposition leaders accusing them of being at the beck and call of foreign powers and of trying to delegitimise the election process. プーチンは反対勢力はアメリカの言いなりで先の選挙を無効にする狙いがあると反論した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeT7zCp1Mh8 1:46 European states, European governments have now become colonies of the United States, basically running at their beck and call. ヨーロッパ諸国はアメリカの植民地に成り果て、アメリカの言いなりになっている。

a-462 at her employer's beck and call
a-1290 at his beck and call
a-3557 at Donald Trump's beck and call
a-4515 at her beck and call
a-8536 at their beck and call
b-1531 at his beck and call
b-4912 at the beck and call of
b-5477 at their beck and call
b-7025 at her beck and call