put(12番目の定義)にある提案する、動議する、言わせてもらう、、、はI put it to you.のような形でも使われる事があり、「あんたの目の前に引っ張り出して良くわかるように言わせてもらうから、回答は如何に?」くらいのニュアンスです。このように言われて黙っていると負けです。3:29 You are quite right, London has had some huge social problems. But they're not there today, are they? The difference is that in Greece these protests go on day after day, and
I put it to you, that if you strip from people, if you rob people of the most powerful thing they possess in a free society, their ability to vote for and to fire their government, their ability to be the masters of their own destiny, if you take that from them, all they're left with is civil disobedience and violence. ロンドンでの暴動があったのは確かだが、それは一過性のものだ。それに比べてギリシャは毎日そんなことが起こっている。国民から自分達の代表を選びそしてクビに出来るような自由世界で一番大切なものを奪ってしまったら後に残るのは抵抗運動や破壊行為だけだ、
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ClZ-MYT5lM 2:35 I don't want to be too pessimistic, although I'm closer to retirement than you are, but
I put it to you that there is no way that the average person can ever save enough, create a pension pot large enough, make the correct investment sufficiently to have a decent retirement. 弱音を吐きたくないが、自分はあなたよりも引退を早く迎える。普通の人が老後の十分な蓄えをすることや悠悠自適な老後を送るためのちゃんとした資産作りをすることなんてできっこないじゃないですか、
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpT1bme4quc 0:38 I am angry and outraged at the suggestion that I would not have acted if these allegations had been
put to me.