COVID-19 Survivor Loses Fingers
7:10 it's willy-nilly and there's no real rhyme or reason for how it's done. カナダの観光振興税は有無を言わさず徴収されるが、国にはそのような税を徴収する法も道理も無い。
Money tips: Three fees you don't have to pay (CBC Marketplace)
1:48 how does a world run when suddenly, for no rhyme or reason, a fourth of its people are snatched up by the jaws of death? 人口の四分の一が何の理由もなく突然死んでしまったら、この世はどうやって回っていくのだろうか?
Theodora - This is My Empire - Extra History - #10
7;26 we also put a stop to retroactive rate hikes that appear on a bill suddenly with no rhyme or reason. 政府はカード会社が何の前触れも正当な理由もない遡及効を持ったローン金利引上げも禁止する。
Obama Signs Credit Card Reform Bill Into Law: Fine Print, Fees, Interest Rate Hikes (2009)
b-0162 no rhyme or reason
b-0777 any rhyme or reason
b-5881 no rhyme or reason