a stay of execution 執行停止、執行の一時保留。stay には何かをとどめるの意味があり、to stay someone 誰かを引き止めるのような使い方も出来る。6:16 Liu Zhijun, the former minister of Railways, known as the founder of High-Speed Rail was sentenced to death in 2013 for corruption with a stay of execution. 劉志軍・中国元鉄道相で中国高速鉄道の父は収賄罪で執行猶予付きの死刑判決を受けた。
Shocking corruption creates quality problems of high-speed rail/China's HSR aggravates local debts
0:47 Auistralian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the government was revolted by the prospect of the two men being killed, and was continuing to press Indonesia for a stay of execution. オーストラリアのトニー・アボット首相は二人のオーストラリア人の死刑が執行されることで政府は猛抗議し、再三にわたりインドネシア政府に対し死刑を執行しないよう求めた。
Australians on Death Row Taken to Execution Island
b-6840 stay his sentencing