
do one's level best 最善を尽くす

do one's level best 自分のベストを尽くす。全身全霊をかける。0:55 we do not have Obama judges or trump judges, Bush judges or clinton judges. what we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do ................ トランプが言うような、オバマ寄りの裁判官、トランプご用達の裁判官、ブッシュの言うことを聞く裁判官、クリントンを擁護する裁判官、、、、などは居ない。最高裁に居るのは職務に最善を尽くすベストの裁判官たちだ。

Erin Burnett: Trump thinks judges are either with him or against him

1:28 this is Texas Governor greg abbott doing his level best to avoid answering any hard questions on his state's depraved six-week abortion ban. これが6週目以降の中絶禁止を発表したテキサス州の知事が必死で鋭い質問をかわしている場面です。

Texas Governor makes humiliating misstep at press conference over abortion ban

5:14 he's going to do his level best to try to get his money back here. イーロンマスクはツイッターを買収した資金を全力で回収しようとするだろう。

‘My greatest disappointment’ Kara Swisher on Elon Musk's Twitter takeover | DW News