
put a strain on  に負担、重圧をかける

put a strain on (someone or something) 負担、重圧をかける。strain には色々な意味がある。1:59 the demand for testing here is putting a strain on capacity. PCR検査の高まる需要はこの検査場の対応能力の大きな負担になっている。

Hospitals across the country full with new COVID-19 cases | WNT

1:57 there is undoubtedly a strain on supply chains. PPEの世界的な需要はPPEの流通網の重荷になっている。

Coronavirus: Why are UK hospitals running out of PPE?

0;49 the large number of cummuters wanting to travel in a short space of time is putting a strain on the railway system. お正月の数日間の人口の大移動は鉄道システムに大きな負荷をかける。

China's rails overwhelmed with holiday travellers

1:18 but even hospitals that are doing proper training are facing supply shortages for things like masks and respirators, because of shipping delays, in an active flu season that has already put a strain on resources. 疫病に備えている病院でもマスクや人工呼吸器などの 供給不足に直面している。インフルエンザの季節でこれらの医療品の需要に拍車をかけ、出荷に遅れがあるからだ。

How Hospitals Are Preparing For Potential Coronavirus Patients | NBC News

a-9182 felt the strain of austerity
a-9272 put a massive strain on the aircargo industry
a-9416 put a strain on the economy
b-1393 putting a strain on
b-1415 putting a strain on