思い込んだら、試練の道を、行くが男のど根性、、、tough as nailsがちょうどいいイディオムです。5:35 while she's definitely tough-as-nails, there are two things this cop can't stomach: crimes involving sex offenders or children.彼女は強い意志を持っている反面、性犯罪者、幼児関係の二つの犯罪は決して許しはしない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huMW7sq-JS4&feature=feedu 0:14 Like most in China, Wang isn't familiar with Amy Chua's book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", but this Chinese mother is sure she doesn't fit Chua's ethnic typecast of a tough-as-nails disciplinarian. ワンさんも御多分(ごたぶん)に洩(も)れずエイミー・チュア著「タイガー・マザー」は読んだことがないだろうが彼女はチュア女史が提起した厳格なしつけを重んじる典型例とは異なる。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v4nGqLmsvs 2:17 brave, that's what I think of when I think of you too, tough as nails 勇敢か、いやどうも、私もおまえをおもう時におんなじことをおもっている、絶対にくじけない奴だと
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMhEOKU_hIo 4:02 with or without super powers, we can't help but dig this tough as nails leather-clad super spy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvx8lb1tfxs 0:03 in one corner, a little old lady, tough as nails. 土地所有権争いの一方の当事者はお年寄りの小柄な女性で頑固だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIGW0H7FbI 2;56 Handpicked by the tough-as-nails Russian spy Rosa Klebb 彼は冷酷なロシアの女スパイのローザクレブにリクルートされた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SblMI1TEsE 4:51 Equipped with a fondness Bruce Lee’s yellow jumpsuit, this relentless and tough-as-nails assassin uses her mastery of Kung Fu and swordplay to violently dispatch her prey.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haQGNfolkK0 0:19 the people in Sichuan are tough as nails.四川省の人間は一徹者だ。
a-6904 as tough as nails
a-7908 as tough as nails
b-1933 tough as nails
b-4918 tough as nails