

最近とうもろこしがうまい。とうもろこしといえばなんと言っても城ヶ島の焼きとうもろこし!!an ear of grilled corn, a cob of grilled corn, grilled corn on the cob. ちなみにearはスペルは同じですが耳ではありません。0:15 most of the ears of corn that managed to grow in his fields are much smaller than normal because of the drought. 干ばつのせいで、彼の畑でようやく育ったとうもろこしは例年のよりも小ぶりだ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHHbkAfGJCM  1;51 one ear of corn 一本のとうもろこし

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/06/blog-post_4415.html 芸術品を英語でなんと言うか?

a-1646 cob
a-1659 corn on the cob
a-2106 ear of corn
a-2338 corn on the cob
a-5157 corn on a cob
a-5599 sliced off the cob
b-5072 ear of corn
b-5104 an ear of corn