Stephen Hawking: Trump stance could damage Earth - BBC News
Bill Hader impersonates Arnold Schwarzenegger [DeepFake]
0:41 one of the solutions to Fermi's Paradox is that maybe life evolves, maybe life forms all the time, maybe it evolves to be technologically advanced all the time and there are reasons to think that might be true. but let's say it forms all the time, and evolves all the time and it becomes technologically advanced all the time, why haven't we see it? one of the solutions to Fermi's Paradox is that life has formed and it has evolved and it has become technologically advanced, but once life becomes technologically advanced enough, it's doomed to destroy itself. フェルミのパラドックス(宇宙人がいるなら、奴らはどこにいるんだ?)の問いについての解答は、生命は自然発生し、進化を遂げ、高度の発展を遂げるようになる。しかし、高度の発展を遂げすぎると、それがかえって仇となり、自己を破滅させる、(宇宙人がいたとしても、自ら破滅したので、どこにもいないことになる)、になる。
Where Are All the Aliens?