Off-Grid Cabin with Energy Wheel, Floating Bed & Indoor Climbing Wall
6:00 we didn't want a black tank. このキャンピングカーにトイレ用の汚水タンクをつけたくなかったので、バイオトイレをつけることにしました。
School Bus Converted To Incredible Off-Grid Home
4:40 there's a 100L fresh water tank. and there's a grey water tank to capture any water from the sinks or from the shower. and a black water tank for the toilet.
Trying out a Crazy $100K Camper Van - Full Tour
2:54 this is my sewer line but since I don't have a black water system, I have a composting toilet. it's really just for grey water. このパイプが下水用パイプです。バイオトイレを使っているので、水洗便所の汚水は出ません。台所とお風呂からの汚水だけです。
WOMAN lives in a TINY HOUSE so She Can TRAVEL the World
b-3194 the septic tank