Teen's Fake Pregnancy Fools School
0:46 the 7-year old has 4 siblings and actually told mom he was glad he was attacked. ザック君には4人の兄弟(兄兄弟妹、、、)がいて、僕が犠牲になって(兄弟は無事で)よかったと母に言った。
Mom Fights Cougar That Attacked 7-Year-Old Son
0:06 the Rodriguez siblings lost both parents to cancer. ロドリゲス兄弟はがんで両親を亡くした。
20-Year-Old Caring For 5 Siblings Gets New Car
0;58 I don't think I ever imagined that there could be so many siblings. こんなにも沢山の兄弟がいるとは夢にも思わなかった。
‘My mum's meeting my dad for the first time’ - BBC News
a-7046 6 siblings