
stillborn 死産の

stillbirth が名詞、stillborn は形容詞。 0:59 she told them the baby was stillborn.

Did Cheerleader Kill and Bury Her Baby?

0:45 but tragically that baby was stillborn. 第3子は死産だった。

A Husband and Wife Who Kept the Same Shocking Secret from One Another | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

3:22 unfortunately baby Juan Carlos was stillborn.

New York's Island of the Dead

0:41 her unborn child did not survive the crash either. she had to deliver her son stillborn. 夫同様に、おなかの子供もこの事故で亡くなった。クリスチャンさんは死んだわが子を出産した。

Mother Who Lost Husband And Baby To Alleged Drunk Driver Shares Tragic Photo

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/09/blog-post_29.html  子宮外妊娠を英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/09/manor.html  manor について

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