Man hogtied by police before dying in custody
0:08 three guys posing as customers before pulling out guns and hogtying employees with zip-ties. 客を装ったこの三人組は銃を取り出して従業員の手足を縛り上げた。
Thieves Pose as Customers Before Robbing Diamond Store
5:37 it was a seemingly ordinary scenario that Andrea claimed led to her being attacked and restrained and ultimately hogtied by R. Kelly. R・ケリー容疑者の前妻のアンドリアさんは、なんでもないようなことがきっかけでR・ケリー容疑者から暴行を受けたり、手を縛られたり、挙句の果てには手足を縛られて動けなくされたりした。
R. Kelly's ex-wife tells her story of their marriage: 'People have no idea'
0:12 Australian airport security, heavily-armed, quickly carrying the hogtied passenger off the jetliner.航空警備隊はがんじがらめにされた容疑者を機外へ連行した。
Scary incident on board a passenger plane right after takeoff from Melbourne, Australia