
whippersnapper 青二才

whippersnapper 青二才、若造。0:20 minster, mister, come after you. a whippersnapper. おい、まて、待てよ、若いの!

Dems Debate Night 2: Joe Biden Attacked From All Sides

3:39 but this isn't cowardice. it's a planned tactic to show those young whippersnappers who's got the most stamina. しかし、これは臆病ではない。これは、あの若いお坊ちゃんたちに誰が一番スタミナがあるかを見せつけるための計画的な戦術だ。

Why These Vegetarian Monkeys Have Sharp Predator Teeth

0:01 look, I may be a bit older than some of you whippersnappers watching my videos. このビデオを見ている若い皆よりも、私はちょっと歳が上かもしれない。

Inside Jay-Z & Beyonce's $88 Million Bel Air Mansion